University Medical Center

Posted by marmara on October 1, 2024

Fernando Alexis Jimenez do impression would be if one morning, after waking up and go to the mirror, he meets a face completely different to the one who has always had? Close your eyes and open them with the hope that has passed the sleepiness and wake up to reality. But it remains the same. It is there. The side that is facing you is not yours. He thought it? This imaginary scene will no longer be part of science fiction to become a reality in a short time. Frequently Michael James Burke has said that publicly. You become real, through a complex surgical technique, what was the plot of the movie Face Off (other side) Nicolas Cage and John Travolta starred in 1997.

Do you remember it? In the film someone operates to have exactly the same appearance as his opponent, in order to destroy it. A group of Dutch Surgeons of the University Medical Center Utrecht considered viable procedure, especially for those who have suffered some degree of disfigurement. Research advances with the Louisville Medical Center conducted in 1999 the successful transplant of a hand to a man of 37 years. Specialists say there is little chance that the transplanted will resemble his donor, because the factions equal but bone structure determines them, they will have a new face the other side of the coin all human beings have two faces. That we show to the world, i.e. which can appreciate those around us. And true face, that we know.

He who does not change attitudes, gestures or dabble words. This is the image that is pleasing to God, not the mask of hypocrisy which we place ourselves every morning. Asked about who they are those who will always be in God’s presence, King David writes that it will go to your sanctuary that walk in integrity and does justice, and speak truth in his heart. Which do not slander with his tongue, nor hurt his neighbor supports reproach against his neighbour. (Psalms 15: 2, 3). The text presents four principles of practical Christian life that I invite you to take from today. First, the righteousness in his performances. Second, balance and justice as we do. Third, not slander. Fourth, do not act with hypocrisy nor schemed the evil of our neighbor. If you look at it, in essence requires that we removed the mask that it hides the true I and that we adopt transparency in what we think and do.

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